Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Little Bird Told Me

If I told you some of the things I experience in my life daily, you wouldn’t believe me. Some of you may even think I’m crazy. But due to what my elders have taught me, I am not really allowed to tell you much anyway. I want to share some and In the near future, I will share a little more through my writing. For now, just use your imagination. Lol.
Here is a short story anyway,
In my first ayahuasca ceremony, a number of birds came and sang songs to me at dawn. One voice, in particular, stood out but I had never heard it before or since. Until this trip to Guatemala where it follows me all over. It reminds me that I am on the right path, the path that the medicine told me I would be on in that first ceremony almost 15 years ago and that my guides have always whispered to me about my whole life. Thank you brown-backed solitaire. I honor you and all of the bird nation for your guidance.

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