So I’ve had a pathogen living in my body for the past four years! It has been called “an amoebic infection” by my acupuncturist and a “parasite” by shaman Don Javier but I like the word “pathogen” because it sounds so “X-Files”.
It has been like an x-file too because for so long I have had these terrible colon issues: from constipation to diarrhea and flatulence to belly aches, with no idea why. I even had an impacted colon about two years ago, that almost killed me!
By July of this year I had been having diarrhea for weeks on end and just could not take it anymore, so I finally went to an acupuncturist to help cure me. I answered a simple questionaire and then he diagnosed me with “amoebas”, mostly by using his intuition. He gave me some Chinese medicine and said I’d feel a big difference in a few weeks.
He told me that you get it from bad food or water and I knew right away when I had gotten it. I was in Brazil for a month, very careful not to eat any salads when on my last week I went to a fancy restaurant and decided to take the risk. I was sick for two days and when I came home the colon problems began.
Soon after visiting the accupuncturist I went to Peru, still with belly aches and beginning to notice headaches as well. Then on my first visit to Javiers for ceremony, he too diagnosed me with a “parasite”. He said that it was filling up my entire belly, robbing me of all my nutrients, keeping me from gaining any weight and generally trying to kill me. Almost precisely what the acupuncturist had already said. He said that if I did not have such a strong spirit I would already be dead. I went to him for two private healings hoping to finally be rid of the nasty varmit.
By the time I came home I thought it was about gone but low and behold the belly aches came back and refusing to wait any longer I went to a western medicine doctor for testing. Then the county health department called, having received the results even before my doctor. They said that the lab let them know because legally the health department has to be informed of these cases. Although two healers had already diagnosed what it was, the tests were more proof of a pathogen with the medical name of “campylovacter”. They said that in most people it goes away in a week or two but in 20% it relapses. I decided to just take the damb antibiotics and be done with it. They ripped up my stomache but within a week I knew it was finally out of me. I can not stand to take western medicine but I am grateful to have the option when it is absolutely necessary.
I feel better than I have in a really long time now and energy is returning that I have not felt in years.
Although I believe it was a combination of all of the medicines that helped to make me well, it was not until I began to fully focus on healing myself that the healing truly began. I also believe that it is due to my neglect of the issue from the start that it lived inside of me for so long.
The lesson? To pay close attention to any health issues as they arise and do not expect the healing to come completely from an outside source when you yourself have the willpower to manifest healing.
(Here are some pictures of the acupuncture at work, helping to heal my digestive system after the damage the pathogen and antibiotics did to it.)
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